Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sleep: My long lost friend

     As most people know, the first thing everyone tells you when you are about to embark on parenthood is  "sleep now, because you won't sleep again for at least 18 years or so". While I am sure most of you reading this (which means probably about 5 ppl :) are parents and have experienced this loss of sleep, it seems that my husband and I are experiencing it on speed. You see, while a typical child may wake up once a week, or even crawl into your bed every night, at least they go back to sleep.  You have to be dealing with a pretty high fever or painful ear infection to really be kept up all night. Here's the thing about special needs children, or at least mine, he seems to have given up on sleep as we know it.
     Ask any of my friends and they will tell you that I am all about giving my kids drugs to aid with sleep. I am always the mother on the flight with enough benadryl for the entire plane and then some and have been known to dispense it liberally to anyone in need (try flying with me, its fun, everyone is happy). I keep both my local pharmacy and probably the makers of Benadryl in business.  Recently though, it seems that my always reliable pal benadryl has let me down. In the last few months, no matter how much I overdose him (just kidding, no need to child protective services), my son never seems to want to go to sleep. He can usually be found wandering the house until somewhere between 10 and 11 pm at which point he collapses wherever he may be at that moment; the living room floor, the play room couch, my bed or on the floor in front of the heater in his bedroom in 80 degree heat. If that were not exhausting enough he seems to think the day starts between 4 and 4:30 am at which point we begin to hear the telltale signs of him being awake; doors opening and closing, the ipad blaring, lights going on and off and eventually his footsteps bounding down the hallway near the bedrooms. Now you may be wondering how it is possible that his brother who shares a room with him doesn't wake up? No need to be concerned, he has already climbed into our bed hours before that can possibly happen. Like I said, sleep my long lost friend.
       I guess the good news is that I have always been "early to bed early to rise". The problem is that at the rate we are going I will need to go to bed at 7 pm! (Which by the way would probably be great for my diet.) You would think that my son must be suffering from his lack of sleep as well, but no he somehow always seems to find time for a cat nap during the day, the lucky guy!
     A friend of mine, who I used to work with always used be amazed by how many things I managed to get done in the morning before I arrived at work at 8:30 am. The supermarket, the dry cleaners, the gym and at least one carpool. Now she knows my secret. Not so hard when you are up at 4:30 am!
    And so, I am looking for an opportunity to catch up with my friend sleep. My in laws have agreed to babysit so that my husband and I can go away for a weekend. We are looking for somewhere local, so that I don't have to take a day off from work on the friday before, and economical. Any suggestions? All are welcome. I am looking forward to the reunion!


  1. This is great! You should go to The Colony Palms in Palm Springs. So beautiful and not expensive.

  2. Go to the Four Seasons in Westlake - it's beautiful, near the winery and a pizza shop, and has a great spa! Also it usually has great rates.
