Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My First Blog

       In the past few months two separate things occurred that made me think it was time to start blogging. The first was back in February or March when I was going through a particularly interesting period in my life and a friend told me "he would definitely follow me on twitter" (Btw Phil, I expect you to be my first follower).  After that, in June, when I was in the ER with my oldest son for the second time that month, I told a friend of mine that I was exhausted and couldn't believe that I was back there.  She replied to me "think of it  this way, you will never have writers block when you write your book". A few nights later I expressed to my husband that maybe I should write a book and he suggested I start with a blog. So here I am.
     To be honest, I am not really sure what I plan to blog about but I can tell you this, I always have stories and often even I can't believe them. So one thing is sure, if you follow me you will likely be entertained.


  1. Yes! I am the first commenter and can't resist: "stories" not "story's." Welcome to blogger. The edit posts button is in control panel. The second blogging Eisenberg. Welcome. Can't wait to read more Just don't blog during breakfast time!

  2. Great blog! And what a nice brother you have! Looking forward to reading it and starting my own blog about how I follow yours. I actually think your blog should be called 'Mark My Words'so that its easier to discuss on national TV when you get famous. Move out Jenny's time for someone to add some truth to the world of parenting and special needs.
