My Dad often recounts the following story. He tells of the time he was at a friends wedding and the Rabbi officiating the ceremony was going on and on, for quite some time, about the institution of marriage and its responsibilities. At some point during the Rabbis speech, a close friend of his stood up and called out to the groom "take it for pass fail!". This story has become somewhat of running joke in my family. I have to say, his suggestion has merit. I mean really, must everything we do be A+ quality?
Of late, I have found myself not only thinking of that story but also telling people of my new outlook on life. Instead of always shooting for the stars and aiming for an A+ I have decided to embrace mediocrity. You should try it. It is truly liberating. Lets be real, most of the world is running at below average anyway, why must I always be different? So what if the look of my blog isn't beautiful and is really just a template. Who cares if my house is a little (ok, a lot) messy, as long as it's clean right? Is it really a problem that I didn't proof-read the email that I sent to a potential customer today who called me laughing because my iPhone had auto-corrected the word tried to tryst? I mean, she did laugh and I did close the sale...
The truth is, I realize that I accomplish more in an hour than most people do during an entire day, so who cares if only most of the I's are dotted and only some of the T's crossed? Do you think it's an issue? There is the one thing about this great new plan of mine, to embrace mediocrity, that gives me pause though. It seems that I have surrounded myself with a whole bunch of over acheivers. It is a slight problem. If I embrace it too much I may end up feeling a wee little bit bad about myself. Instead of being happy because I have decided to let go, I may just start to feel a little pathetic. Like I said, it's a problem. I guess I will just have to think of a few things to excel at. Any suggestions?
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